Friday, January 22, 2010

Managing stress helps prevent diseases

By Cory Quirino
Philippine Daily Inquirer



You are exactly what you eat. For every morsel of live green food, as in vegetables, the more life you put into your body.

Keep it fresh and raw. Uncooked vegetables and fruits are packed with life-giving enzymes. The more raw food you eat, the more energy you will have. Remember that raw food is your best defense against lifestyle diseases like cancer, hypertension and diabetes.

Keep calories down by not drowning your salad with dressing. Try a simple mixture of 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil, squeeze of lemon, 1 anchovy fillet (or one tsp bagoong isda run through the blender, optional) and sprinkle of herbs.

Anti-aging simply means you can delay the aging process by avoiding toxic food with chemicals, preservatives, coloring or artificial seasoning. And one of the surest ways to become young-looking and vibrant is to exercise.

Go easy on your exercise program. Slow but sure is better than quick and intense (unless you’re an athlete). Know that exercise produces free radicals. This is why you need to load up on antioxidant-rich foods.

Wherever you dine, one can never be too sure about the way food is prepared—overcooked/undercooked, reused oils, hygiene, kitchen presentation/sanitation, etc. So always remember your Vitamins A, B, C, E and minerals zinc, calcium, magnesium, selenium. These basics can fortify one’s immune system.

Sleep the sleep of angels, as they say. Nothing can replace a good night’s sleep. And never forget that one night’s sleep lost is difficult to make up for. You can literally age overnight. Practice the art of napping twice a day—it’s rejuvenating.

Make probiotics a part of your daily regimen. Two tablespoons of kefir daily is all you need to ensure great health.

Overeating, alcohol consumption, antibiotics and unclean food can cause hyperacidity and amoebiasis (bad bacteria in the gut). Try kefir power from Bukidnon with 14 strains of good bacteria. Call World of Wellness at 7233878, 3323864.

Green blood is in. Taking wheatgrass everyday will fortify one’s body with iron, magnesium, calcium, fiber and enzymes. Its high-alkaline benefits cut stomach acidity instantly and restore balance to one’s system. It is super food. Weight-conscious people should take one sachet of tea 30 minutes before meals to control appetite. Call 8901111, Easy Phamax.


The mind is so connected to the brain that most experts do not know where their boundaries belong. Is there an overlap?

Stress-free—If you can manage stress, then half if not most of your illnesses will disappear. Doctors believe stress is a major cause of disease. The mind is directly connected to the body. Therefore a stressed mind will depress the immune system. Thus, if you can adopt a calm and positive attitude in life, chances are your vitality and strength are guaranteed. Stress management should be a major component of many health/wellness regimens. Take deep, long deliberate breaths to ease pressure on the mind and heart.

Adopt a “tomorrow will be better” attitude. Reciting this in your head is enough. If you want to magnify its power, read it out loud then watch the good things come your way.


There is no discounting the power of a prayerful heart. When the spirit moves you, it also moves mountains. Make time for meditative prayer everyday. If you can achieve harmony in all its aspects, then you have discovered the true meaning of wellness.

Affirmation: “I am fit to live and fit to love.”

Love and light!

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